Noord Laagland -en kust Ecuador


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Tsachilas 46 years later

Noord Laagland -en kust Ecuador,

Rein (Pensionado) is making a wonderful series of the Tsachilas people which he photographed in 1968.
We spent a very basic night in the commune of the Tsachillas. A dying culture, there are only around 2500 left and many are turning their backs on their culture, leaving the communes and looking towards the modern world. But hopefully their traditions can survive.
Many years ago with the arrival of the missionaries, the Tsachillas were almost wiped out, by measles. A severe attack of measles hit the community at the same time that a yellow fever outbreak occurred. Do what they may the Shaman could not get to grips with the diseases and many died. Fortunately they eventually found the seeds of the Achiote bush when smeared over the body helped. The seeds when crushed produce a red dye, To this day to show their gratitude to the achiote plant for the protection that it offered, their hair style is fashioned to look like the seed pods and dyed red.