
'109209' door Dirkhuijssoon '109209' door Dirkhuijssoon



Synchroon lopen


Giraffes in een prachtige statige loop en ook nog eens bijna synchroon. Een geweldig gezicht en wat een elegantie ! Krugerpark.

'109205' door Dirkhuijssoon '109205' door Dirkhuijssoon





Bleef een kwartier lang rustig liggen op het pad waar wij reden. Kwam door de belangstelling en klikkende camera's tergend langzaam omhoog en liep toen boos kijkend de bosjes in. Met zo'n blik van :" Gek wordt je van al die toeristen tegenwoordig, nergens krijg je nog rust, ik moet nodig zelf eens op vakantie!" Gezien in Krugerpark.

'108699' door Dirkhuijssoon '108699' door Dirkhuijssoon



Portret in Lesotho


De afwezige blik van de gids als hij een stilte laat vallen in zijn verhaal over de aids problemen van zijn land. Denkend aan overleden familie en vrienden.......

'108295' door Dirkhuijssoon '108295' door Dirkhuijssoon



De Indische Bruidegom


Zojuist getrouwd en blij en vriendelijk op de foto gegaan bij de uitgang van de tempel.

'107850' door Dirkhuijssoon '107850' door Dirkhuijssoon

NederlandNoord Holland

NederlandNoord Holland

Zeehoofden bij Schoor


Golfbrekers bij Schoorl in een laat avondlicht .

'107721' door Dirkhuijssoon '107721' door Dirkhuijssoon



"Sylvester Stallone".


In de Musei Capitolini staat het hoofd van een gigantisch beeld van Constatine. Het lijkt sprekend op de kop van Rocky en Rambo, ofwel Sylvester Stallone. De jongens kijken er met veel ontzag naar. Overigens een prachtig museum vlak bij het Forum Romanum met zeer veel beelden uit de Romeinse oudheid. Een must !

'107696' door Dirkhuijssoon '107696' door Dirkhuijssoon

NederlandNoord Holland

NederlandNoord Holland

Parade of Sail Den...


Noors marine trainingschip neemt deel aan de Parade of Sail op het wad en het Marsdiep bij den Helder

'107695' door Dirkhuijssoon '107695' door Dirkhuijssoon

NederlandNoord Holland

NederlandNoord Holland

Parade of Sail Den...


Frans marine trainingschip neemt deel aan de Parade of Sail op het wad en het Marsdiep bij den Helder. Wij voeren daar met onze kleine loodsjol tussen.

'107601' door Dirkhuijssoon '107601' door Dirkhuijssoon



Twee parkietjes in ee


Een prachtig kooitje met daarin twee plastic parkieten in een lieve en kitscherige ambiance..........leuk toch ? Gezien naast het zomerverblijf van de paus in Castel Gandolfo, in de heuvels ten zuiden van Rome.

'100118' door Dirkhuijssoon '100118' door Dirkhuijssoon



Nijlpaard in St Lucia


Indrukwekkend groot ,mooi en onrustig en luidruchtig . In een groep van tien .

'100112' door Dirkhuijssoon '100112' door Dirkhuijssoon



Supermarkt kid


Hij was het winkelwagentje van mams aan het vol gooien met allerlei kinderlekkernijen - moeder was even verderop in het pad - toen hij merkte dat ik hem doorhad. Meteen toonde hij mij zijn meest ontwapenende lach.

'99877' door Dirkhuijssoon '99877' door Dirkhuijssoon



Die ogen......


Nieuwsgierig kwam ze naar ons toe terwijl de band van onze auto door de ' punctureman' en zeven andere mannen werd geplakt. Zij , met haar broertjes en zusjes; kijken en bekeken worden. Ondertussen pasten ze op de geiten die langs de weg scharrelden op zoek naar wat eten.

'99562' door Dirkhuijssoon '99562' door Dirkhuijssoon



Prille liefde op de..


In april is er na de heilige week het jaarlijkse feest : de Feria, waar iedereen uit Sevilla elkaar fêteert en in traditionele kleding verschijnt. De mannen als ruiter, de vrouwen in flamenco jurk. Jong geleerd , oud gedaan !

'99530' door Dirkhuijssoon '99530' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99529' door Dirkhuijssoon '99529' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99528' door Dirkhuijssoon '99528' door Dirkhuijssoon



Still life on the C2C


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99526' door Dirkhuijssoon '99526' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99524' door Dirkhuijssoon '99524' door Dirkhuijssoon



Lake District - C2C..


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99522' door Dirkhuijssoon '99522' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99520' door Dirkhuijssoon '99520' door Dirkhuijssoon



Richmond , main town.


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99519' door Dirkhuijssoon '99519' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk -


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99516' door Dirkhuijssoon '99516' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk -


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99515' door Dirkhuijssoon '99515' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.

'99514' door Dirkhuijssoon '99514' door Dirkhuijssoon



Coast to Coast Walk


Claiming to be the best long distance path in the British Isles. Taking in three National Parks of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Yorkshire Moors. The scenery is mostly stunning and amongst the best Britain has to offer. The length of the route is 300 km or 190 miles from coast to coast. From St Bees at the Irish Sea to Robin Hood's Bay at the North sea coast. It took me 12 consecutive days to cover the full distance. Beautiful but at times demanding , particularly in the Lake District carrying a full pack.



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