Sierra Centraal


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A Year to Remember

Sierra Centraal,

My last upload from the RR year 2014, and what a year to remember.
I am very curious as to who will take over the role as RRvhJ. I am sure the jury will be very busy in the next few weeks. Who ever it is enjoy, enjoy the attention and enjoy your trip, you really do get spoilt.

For me personally 2014 had a sad period, just before I left for Ecuador I lost my mum after a few months of illness. She was 88 and a release for her. Even though we were busy every day,travelling in Ecuador gave me time to come to peace, place my thoughts. Driving back from the high mountain villages around Ozogoche, the storm had passed and the sky looked amazing almost biblical. My thoughts of how happy and lucky I was to have won this trip coupled with the peacefulness I felt for mum brought me to tears. This photo although not technically perfect will have a special place in my gallery and heart.