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ATM’s are available in Port Vila and there are also possibilities to change money. Tickets to outer islands can be a lot cheaper if you show them your international ticket (up to 15 or 20 % cheaper!). If you want to visit the outer islands, ask an inbound tour operator (like Adventure Centre) to help you sort out the tickets. Some flights only go once a week, some twice, depending on the destination. So you really have to get things organized, especially if you have limited time in Vanuatu. Souvenirs like mini-sailing canoes, necklaces, carvings, island dresses, island shirts, grass skirts, etc. can be bought at the market for a good price.

Food tips: The market is a good place to buy fruits and food. A big bag of passionfruit is only 100 Vatu, big papaya 100 Vatu, grapefruit for 30 Vatu, pineapple for 300 Vatu, green beans for 150 Vatu, bunch of bananas for 100 Vatu and a fresh coconut for 30 Vatu. For fresh fish go to the supermarket (like the big Au Bon Marche in area Number Two) or go to the “ Fish market”, which is a store (also called LTP) opposite the bakery called La Parisienne (ask your bus driver). At the fish market they will even cut it to sashimi if you ask for it. Wahoo is about 1200 Vatu a kilo and also very nice for sashimi. At the supermarket you can buy French bread for 50 Vatu and if available, a kilo of fresh tuna for 700 Vatu. If you want to go out for dinner and don’t want to spend a fortune: You can go to one of the food stalls at the market and eat a stir-fry (for example) for 250 Vatu or lap-lap (local food) for 150 Vatu.