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Cyclone season is from December to May. Rainy season is from January to March. Best time to visit would be from May to October. Busiest months are June, July and September. For the divers amongst us: best time for diving is probably September, October and November. Nice clear seas and not too busy. Vanuatu’s waters are teeming with fish life and has a lot of different corals. There are many shipwrecks to dive on, most famous being the President Coolidge in Santo. Local dive masters, who have dived these waters for many years can show you the most obscure and interesting sea creatures. If you are very lucky you might even see a dugong. This rare creature is also called sea cow. They are very friendly and quite curious.

Some tips: Exchange rates for 1000 Vatu are: AUS$ 11,47 US$ 8,57 EURO 7,25 and NZ$ 12,58. Check current rates at You can take a local bus for 100 Vatu within Port Vila Centre and 200 Vatu for areas close to Port Vila. Bring your own snorkelling gear (or buy it here-better than hiring). Internet is quite expensive and pretty slow. Ask around to get to know the happy hours for cheaper internet. International phone calls are half the price if you call after 8 o’clock at night or on Sundays.

Vanuatu is not a place to bargain, so if you go to the market or stores…the price you see is what you have to pay. Water from the tap is safe to drink in Port Vila town. Other places: just ask local people. Before swimming or snorkelling, ask the locals if there’s anything you should be aware of and if it is safe to swim or snorkel in that area. Maybe you have to watch for rips, animals or sharp rocks.