

Beste reistijd



Difficult passengers


As I arrived at Schiphol this morning and stood waitng patiently for my bags to arrive, I switched on my phone to check my messages and emails............WOW!!!!! bip bip bip bip bip bip.........., other passengers looked over at me puzzled. For a moment I also didnt understand what was going on, then suddenly realized with all the wonderful reactions of congratulations that I had won the February theme, what a nice suprise. THANK YOU! what a home-coming.
By way of thanks, I post an old photo from Burma not so much bijzondere vervoersmiddel but bijzondere passengiers.

Seen in Bhamo, passing the day away walking along the banks of the huge Irrawaddy River. The Irrawaddy flows 2,170 km across the centre of the country and empties into the Bay of Bengal. The country's most important commercial waterway transporting people and cargo.
PS: They finally moved all three buffalo with much sweat.
PPS: I will try to catch up with you all and your photos in the next few days.