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Walking with Dinosaurs


The Isle of Skye is mostly fossil free, as it is mainly composed of basalt rock. However, there are a couple of areas that have fossilised dinosaur footprints exposed. The main places you can see these are Staffin and Duntulm. (As Sierd mentioned) The best time to see them is after a winter storm, when they are fully exposed, however if you’re in the area it’s worth a try to see them though (as long as it is not high tide). The footprints were only discovered in 2002 by Catherine Booth. She was out walking her dog one day when she came across a rock with what looked like a huge claw mark. She took this rock back to her husband, Paul, at the hotel which they run together.
As soon as Paul saw the rock, he suggested that they go back to the beach and look for more. After some time searching, they suddenly found what they had been looking for, and found 15 footprints in total!
We found five and that was thrilling enough, to stand with your bare foot next to a dinosaur footprint and imagine...………………..