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The mist chance


We spent a lot if this year at our newly inherited bungalow in Kent, earlier in the year we had spent renovating and decorating and hardly any time for 'sightseeing'. By the summer holidays the work was done and time to explore our new surroundings.
The bungalow sits on the First Light Coast, so named as it is the most easterly point in in England and sees the dawn first. I wanted to get our on the cliffs to watch dawn break, but of course in the summer this happens early.
One morning wide awake I shake my partner at 430 - come grab your camera lets go dawn shooting, he grunts, turns over but gives in follows. At the cliffs edge we cannot see anything, can hardly see each other:). We hear seagulls down below but can't see the sea, the only morning that it is thick mist, we missed our chance to see the sun rise out if the sea. I am able to take just one photo before heading back, with one grumpy partner in tow, as the mist lifts a little.