Hoi An


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Old but beautyful wall in Hoi An

Hoi An,

Hoi An is a small pleasant city located on the South central coast of Vietnam. This city is designated as a World Heritage Site, mainly to preserve it’s traditional architecture. When I visited this city, I innitially felt a bit like I was trapped in a tourist destination. But not uncommon in my travels, the more time I spend in such locations, the more I get to appreciate it’s culture, traditions and at some point allways find some hidden treasures that appeal to my senses. This portrait of an old and rugged wall changed my outlook on photography, especially backgrounds and reality perspectives. From that point on I started to realise that ”old and run down” often shows more spirit and character than picture perfect backgrounds and objects. This is the First time I fell in love with a wall……and as is often the case with your first love: it kind of allways sticks to you…..!!