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In every nook and cranny


The Shwedagon pagoda in Yangon needs know introduction here, you have either visited yourself or have seen many photos come past. But a visit to the Shwedagon is worth taking time over. In every corner of the complex are small temples, outbuildings, prayer halls many deserving a second look. There is one small pagoda tucked away the has a Buddha deity with the face of Aung San Suu Kyi, For many years she was draped with a veil across her face and people secretly and quickly laid a flower or lit an incense. These were the days when as a foreigner you often had someone from the secret serice (plain clothes) following you around, when conversations with locals were often monitored. Nowadays in the more ''open" Burma she can be revered in openness. Next time or when you are there try to find her.