Madhya Pradesh


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The adventure starts here

Madhya Pradesh,

Long distance travelling by train in India is an adventure, and often the adventure begins with buying the ticket. I remember my first Indian train journey, Delhi - Bombay, purchasing the ticket took two days, three buildings and numerous hand-written forms.
Another journey I remember, Varanasi - Delhi, a young girl with her mother sat opposite and proudly showed me her new and first bra that she had bought especially for her wedding.
Finding out as much information as possible about their traveling companions is the number one way that Indians pass the time on these train trips. By western standards, their questions can be quite intrusive. An elderly man once asked after the custom questions, where are you from? What is your worK? Have you issue? Pardon, issue? Children! Oh, no we have no children, not yet. You must have issue maybe you need to check your do you continue with such a conversation. He thought is was being helpful.
On another journey we shared the most delicious chappatis and dhal with a punjabi family and played cards.
Looking at the crowded platform of Indore, people waiting with their bed-rolls and tiffin tins I wonder where their journey ends.