Madhya Pradesh


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The Bulak

Madhya Pradesh,

Although nose rings are very common in India, they actually originated in the Middle East. It was only during the 16th century that the practice of piercing the nose filtered into India, for ancient Indian civilization has not recorded any evidence of its existence either in the sculptures at Ajanta and Ellora, the excavations of Harappa and Mohenjadaro or during the reign of the Kushan and Gupta dynasties. Nose rings seem to be associated with the Hindu religion itself. However, the fact that Muslim ladies and children also wear nathunis (nose rings) belies the fact at least to a certain extent.
Sometimes the Septum rings are so large that they cover a portion of the mouth and often come in the way while eating. The nostril rings also vie for attention. Some of them are so heavily ornamented with pearls and precious stones that they have to be supported by fine chains, which are attached to the hair. The Bulak which is quite common in Madhya Pradesh is a perfect example of this.