Madhya Pradesh


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Moving on

Madhya Pradesh,

I have been trying to keep this site a Corona free zone, but I have been so moved by the pictures and stories that I have seen in the last few days from India.

As we all probably know India locked down is 1.3 billion people last week. With 4 hours warning interstate transportation stopped. There are hundreds of thousands of day to day migrant workers in the cities, especially Delhi, that now without work or pay have no alternative than to ignore the lockdown and WALK back to their villages. With businesses shut down in cities across the country, vast numbers of migrants — many of whom lived and ate where they worked — were suddenly without food and shelter. Thousands of migrants, including whole families, packed their pots, pans and blankets into rucksacks, some balancing children on their shoulders as they walked along interstate highways. Some planned to walk hundreds of miles.
It is said to be the largest migration of people since partition in 1947.

This image was taken back in 2003 in Madhya Pradesh a group of pilgrims camped for the night before continuing their long walk.