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Watching you......


Watching you aka de verslaving van een RR :)
Have you ever felt that you were being watched? This is exactly how I felt waking up on one of the many boats we took through Bangladesh. Stretching and opening my eyes I could feel a presence. And there grinning around the curtain four or maybe more at first, curious eyes. You may have thought that they would have disappeared as soon as they were noticed but no, their curiosity too strong, they watched carefully as I reached for my camera and caught them in the act. Still smiling, still curious.
The photo is also symbolic, - last weekend I posted my last photo of the RR year and my season, time to take a break. The end of this month to Burma, in the meantime Christmas, that we celebrate here but in the English tradition yes crackers and paper hats and all the trimmings.
Monday was a normal day, Tuesday I stopped by to give a few reactions, by Wednesday the temptation to upload was getting to great.:)
Thursday morning I succumb - the addiction is too strong or is it ego that I cant stand to be placed at 1425 :)