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The expression of the young boy is priceless, a sufi at the shrine of the revered 14th-century Sufi saint Shah Jalal, one of Bangladesh's biggest pilgrimage sites. Housing a masjid and the main tomb (mazar). Shah Jalal’s tomb is covered with rich brocade, and the space around it is illuminated with candles in the evenings. Non-muslims can enter providing they dress conservatively and of course shoes have to be removed at the steps.

The saint's sword and robes are preserved within the mosque, but are not on display. You can also walk around the hillside graveyard behind the shrine, dotted with tombs. Being buried near the saint is considered a great honour. Women can enter the complex – there is even a special prayer hall for women here – but are not allowed to enter the shrine itself, because doing so would mean passing through part of the mosque, which is out of bounds to women.