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Portraits from the village IV


This is the last portrait before we move on. The dhobi-wallah of the village, he not only washes clothes but irons them also for a few thaka extra. The washing is weighed, you pay by weight, clothes are handed to him early in the morning are ready the next day.
Henna beards are a common sight, although this one was quite spectacular.
There are a few reasons why men use henna; it is said that the prophet Muhammad was supposed to have done this and many followers do the same in an attempt to follow in the foot steps of their prophet. The person may have recently been on the Hajj. Hajj is “an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
But also vanity, white hair and beards is seen as unattractive and it is forbidden to dye hair in Islam except with ‘henna’. Using chemical dyes are restricted because you are messing with nature and your health.