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Travelling through Tanguar Haor VI


After a wonderful day out on the haor, we arrive back in the village and our government guesthouse with no running water. We are hungry. There is only one place to eat, last nights dinner was pretty rough - cold rice and cold vegetables from earlier in the day. So we adopted a new routine. Each morning throughout the rest of our trip, we gave someone in the village 500 thaka, (5 euro) and asked them to cook for us, inviting everyone that was helping us that day to join, beside Liton our guide, we had a boatman, a boatboy, one day three motorbike drivers, another day a man that did our laundry. One night our 5 euro fed 18 people!!
Here you see three of our 'helpers' waiting for dinner, really friendly people but very stiff in front of a camera which they have hardly seen before.