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The last road stop - Tanguar Haor I


One of the main reasons for us to return to Bangladesh was to spend time in the Tanguar Haor in the far north, bordering with India.
Tanguar haor is a unique wetland ecosystem in the far north of Bangladesh. The haor is about 100km2 of which 2,802.36 ha2 is wetland. It is the source of livelihood for more than 40,000 people living in 46 villages.
An ornithologist paradise at the the best of times but it winter it also becomes home to about 200 types of migratory birds.
We spent six days in this remote area, travelling from village to village by boat, rickshaw or motor-bike (along the narrow paths) the only modes of transport. During the rainy season the paths are under water and the boat becomes the only mode of transport, making many villages virtually cut-off and self sufficient.
With this series I will take you through our journey.
The bus drops us off at Sunamganj, the last piece of road before the haor begins, we take this boat to Tahirpur.