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Dreams of a truck driver


Trucks in Bangladesh are often hand painted with idyllic landscapes or impressive houses. Maybe they are the dreams of the truck owners.
We had to return from Bangladesh because of the political unrest on the country, since then I have been following the news carefully. The situation continues, the country is still in a total shutdown. Farmers cannot get their crops to market and are being exploited by middlemen and truck drivers risk their lives each time they embark on a journey. Many trucks that have ignored the shutdown have been petrol-bombed, many drivers have lost their lives.
A story that touched me recently of a 28 year old truck driver who succumbed to his burns, he was the sole wage earner for his young family of two children and his elder brothers family. His elder brother lost an arm in a agricultural accident and his elderly parents. In one foul act of throwing a petrol bomb. 11 lives have been destroyed.
This is my tribute to truck drivers..dream for better days.