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Covid 19

Copán ,

Disaster covid 19

Covid 19 kills people, the measures kill entire communities.
The measures are necessary, we do not doubt that, but the consequences, few people realize in a society with a social system. These children live in the mountains around Copàn Ruinas in Honduras. They belong to the ethnic Maya Chorti. They live in an environment like heaven, their life is hell. Hunger rules their lives, they rise with hunger, walk to Copàn for more than an hour to sell their handmade dolls to the tourists. On average they earn a dollar a day, often they don't sell anything, then hunger is their companion for the night. Because of Covid they have been under house arrest for 40 days, they are given half an hour a week to do their shopping.
How do you do your shopping if you have no income, if you have to walk an hour, and an hour back when you only have half an hour. The parents cannot work on their fields, no one is allowed to leave their home, there is constant police and army control. If they are caught and cannot prove that they were on the road for purchases (stamp or signature of the store), everything is taken from them and the chance of prison is real. Covid's peak is expected in mid or late June. Until then they are locked in their house, an area of 3m by 4m father, mother and 4 or more children, no bath or toilet, no electricity, no running water. The President directs the mayors to prepare grounds for mass graves, my heart stops and I cry.
As someone from the RR. who want to help people until after the lockdown, I explain how we work.