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School holidays

Copán ,

School holidays are now in Belgium and the Netherlands.
The Latin American countries also have a school holiday.
In many of the countries in central and south America, holidays look very different for the children.
Their day starts with the first light, washing with luck is there something for breakfast, then they walk three or more km to (here) Copàn.
In Copàn they try to sell their beaded chains and dolls to the tourists, usually with moderate success.
They often earn just one dollar for an entire day, for hours in the heat, whoever was already in central /South America knows the temperatures rising from the sun.
These three came to Viavia a hotel / restaurant, the children can get a free drink every day, sometimes also some food.
Around 3 pm they go back to their villages in the hills, imagine you walked 3 km to Copàn, 7 to 8 hours in the heat then back uphill to your village on unconfirmed paths, you have no idea if there is food. Yes the children prefer to go to school there. The girl on the left still has mud on her legs, because she has to go a long way through the river to get to Copàn, at high tide that means a detour of 2 km or an hour extra for her. the special thing about this school holiday photo, my father photographed the left girl, also four years ago and bought one of her dolls.