

Beste reistijd



The eyes are a reflection of ones soul.


Visiting Tibet was definitely one of my most astonishing travelling experiences. I spend around 5 weeks trying to absorb as much as possible of the Tibetan people, their traditions, and the incredible isolated landscapes. One can drive for days without meeting a soul and in the middle of absolutely nowhere spend the night in a small village, surrounded by curious and kind villagers. The Tibetan people have adapted their lives to live in isolation and under harsh conditions, the high altitude being one of them. I am allways intrigued how people can find happyness and balance under such extreme conditions. I am sure that their religion, Tibetan Buddhism, plays a key factor in the way they find guidance and celebrate their lifes. On the way back from Mount Kailash we came across a valley, again in the absolute middle of nowhere, where the villagers were happily engaged in a religious ceremony. The people were dressed up in traditional costumes, the elderly men drinking heavily, others making music and at the same time everybody was enjoying a small parade of horseback riders. When I took this picture I already knew this image would help me to allways remember this awesome journey......