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50mw Green Laser Pointer to the public


Schumer on Tuesday urged the FDA to ban the sale of the 50mw Green Laser Pointer to the public.

“Their uses are wide ranging, they’re needed and when used correctly, these devices provide no danger,” Schumer said.

But while Miller agrees laser strikes can be a problem, it hasn’t been something he heard widely discussed among pilots.


“I’m not seeing this being expressed as a major risk as opposed to say, a terrorist attack on an airplane or somebody putting an explosive device on an airplane,” Miller said. “It adds an element of risk. Anything involving aircraft safety is a public concern. Naturally it’s a public concern, and that draws a lot of attention.”
Schumer said someone caught shining a 300mw laser pointer at an aircraft is subject to up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. However, perpetrators are difficult to catch, he said.


An average laser pointer can have a range of around four kilometres.

The Aeronautics Act states pointing a laser at an aircraft is illegal and an offender can face a fine of $100,000, five years in prison or both. Statistics from Transport Canada show that in 2014 there were 512 reported incidents, which is up by 43 per cent from 2012.


That number is up dramatically this year where Canada has seen 596 reported cases so far.

Swinging around the beam of a hand-held 5mW laser pointer —those innocuous pointers used in corporate presentations—doesn't seem like much of a threat. More a nuisance, like a gnat buzzing around your ear. But an alarming rise in the number of lasers aimed at a moving airplane, which can temporarily blind a pilot, has prompted the FAA to issue strong warnings about the dangers of this supposed hobby.

Judging from the police records on those who’ve been caught—yes, it's a federal crime to aim a laser at a moving aircraft—many of them are young men who view this pursuit as something of a lark. Recently, New York cops arrested someone who’d pointed a 1mw Laser Pointer at a news helicopter; he was caught after his picture was snapped by a reporter aboard the flight. But most culprits escape detection. Portable lasers, some of which have a range of up to a mile, are usually aimed directly at an object with a high degree of accuracy.


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